Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 05-01-2004, 08:53 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Posts: 495
Originally Posted by SuicideJade
bitching, sniveling, whining and verbal malasie oh my!...
i can do that..

today i went to clean this lady's house.. i've been there before and worked.. she's creepy.. i don't like her, but a small price to pay for 10 bucks an hour..
most of the time i don't go alone because she has a huge ass house.. well today i had to..
somewhere in the course on 24 hours this 5 foot tall puff of wind made almost one entire GALLON of VODKA dissappear.. so not only was she creepy she's was being bitchy..
she tries to place a call to australia while i'm there like 8 times and keeps misdialing.. so instead of calming down and trying later she verbally bashes about 6 AT&T employees who are trying to help her make this call..
now mind you i got to her house at 7 am.. she worked me like a slavedriver until 1:20 pm and then accused me of not doing my job..
there is one little greyheaded woman who lives in this house (probably in her late forties) she's completely able-bodied.. she wants someone to come in and clean her house before her out of town guests come in (that's usually once a month)
but she doesn't clean in between visits..
she expected me to have her house cleaned in 2 hours..
the house was so unholy nasty that not even a dung beetle would want to live there..
she had glasses with thick mold growing in them on the sink..
dried puddles of coffee on the counter..
dust was so thick on every surface that you could write in it..
she hadn't cleaned her kitty litter box in over a month..
i went to make her bed and there was some thick , unidentifiable, body excriment on the bed along with a book about JonBenet Ramsey's murder and the most giant sadomasochistic looking vibrator that i have EVER seen.. i don't eeeeven want to know what went on there..
this is a two story 3 bedroom 2 and a half bath house..
every single room looked like absolute total hell..
her pantry is full of dry goods yet it smells like raw meat..
her dogs had diarrhea on the floor in the upstairs bedrooms.. she lets it dry there and doesn't clean it up.. then she wants me to vaccum the rooms.. i fight to hold my guts in and scrape dog diarrhea off the floor (both dry and fresh) and she wants to know what the fuck is takin me so long.. well it takes a wile to loosen dry dogshit from shag carpet..
there's dry kitty litter clumps in the hall when i get there..
it was fucking awful!
and the bitch had the cojones to tell me that there was no room in her house that should take more than 30 minutes..
and after all this she's supposed to give me a ride home..
she pays me 17 dollars calls me a cab and makes me use my own money to get home..
and then like an hour and a half ago she has the audacity to call here and ask where her money clip, wallet and $1,000 check is..
she tells me the check was on her desk (which she doesn't allow anyone to touch and she sat at the whole time i was there) and the money clip and wallet are in the same place that they always are when i come over..
i may not be rich, but i work for my money.. and i worked hard for that 17 dollars i got today.. i was so mad by the time i left that i didn't even want her fucking money..
i don't have her missing money and she can shove it up her ass for all i care.. but she best not call my house asking for any favors again...
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Damnit , Jade. Need a hug? A drink? A gun?

Mael, Actually, I'm still here. Empty talked me into stayin,interestingly, if I can just find a way to mush my priest posts with the comatoast posts...hmmm
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