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Old 10-03-2011, 07:14 AM   #67
wolf moon
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
She does still make videos! She was on hiatus for a while for grad school. I love the Labyrinth one too.
YES! Thanks for letting me know! After my midterms on Wednesday, I am going to lay around and watch Nostalgia Chick all afternoon. #aspirations (Whatever, I hash tagged it. Sometimes I hash tag real life situations. i stand by my choice)

Originally Posted by Saya View Post
The princes are device, and critics make the point that they are the mechanism for salvation, instead of Jesus women get married and are saved (from sleep, from abusive homes, etc). I think of the princesses only Mulan and Pocahontas don't get married, without acknowledging the direct to video sequels, and they're only considered "princesses" by the brand.
See, I never thought the princes were depicted as salvation. I always thought marriage was. This is possibly because I was raised with somewhat unorthodox ideas about marriage. But what always bothered me was that the prince was inconsequential. He could have been anybody. Swap Philip for Charming and nobody knows the difference. It's the marriage that saves them. We wound up with a bunch of little girls who idealized marriage without considering the other person involved. So they push and push for whichever guy they've spent the most time with to propose, not because they want to share responsibilities and make life decisions together, but because that's what's supposed to happen and society tells them he's not "serious" about them if he doesn't produce a ring after a while. Then the men buy the rings to end the nagging and crying and endless hinting, and everyone winds up surprised when marriage, like, takes effort and involves compromise. People assume I secretly want to cheat on my husband because I don't wear jewelry to symbolize my intent not to. Our society is fucked.
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