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Old 05-02-2004, 12:36 PM   #10
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: eh...
Posts: 495
Originally Posted by ghoulishmuse
Jade, if I have ever heard a case that justified employee assisted suicide, yours is it. Did you know that more people die of indoor air pollution than outdoor air pollution? Perhaps there is some way you can make that statistic work for you? That burnt almond smell will fade very quickly.
I agree with ghoulish on that one. And, if she's falls under the category of slightly older than god, if she bites it noone will question. :twisted: :wink:


I call this one "of cops and wal-mart punks"

I walk to work everyday. Not a bad little jaunt, really. The trip takes me about 30 minutes. It wakes me up in the morning and relaxes me in the afternoon.
Well, I decided to go a ,slightly, different path to work this morning. Instead of walking through campus I walked south until I hit the intersection of the next street I take. At the intersection was a piggy pig pig(cop). He ,initially, had his turn light on to go the OPPOSITE direction as me BUT I guess I looked just THAT suspicious. He turned and followed me as nonchalantly as possible. The little fucker would drive ahead of me to a parking lot or drive way; pull in and turn aournd..repeat. This went on until he reached the park. Since there was nowhere to turn in after that, he drove to the intersection and TURNED around. The worst part is , by this time, there were campus police and NPD driving by from both sides( I counted 6 fucking cars)!!! They'd all slow down around me and drive past so slowly that I could have changed a damn tire for them. I was never so glad to get to work...fuckin bastards. I know I'm tall. I know I had a shaved head. I've been told I look intimidating...but I was fucking walking!!! Christ on a stick! They're almost as bad as Wal-Mart employees(nice segway , huh :wink: )
I've gone in there wearing slacks and a dress shirt or even jeans and a shirt and I can't get anyone to help me. I walk in wearing a tank top and shorts(and letting all of my tats show) I have30 little minimum wage punks shadowing me from the time I walk in until I leave. It's fucking ridiculous. I lost it with them over this(again) the other day. A snot nosed little fucktard was shadowing in the electronics department the entire time I was there. I guess he thought he was being slick because he was "straightening" the videos on the other side of the isle. After 10 minutes or so of him moving when I did, I turned around and looked down at the little turdfuck. I told him to go find a REAL fucking shoplifter. Poor boy went white. He told me he didn't know what I was talking about. I cocked my eyebrow and asked him , if he wasn't following me, why did he have the same video in his hand that he hand when I came into the department...silence. *sigh* Then I started my scene making( I love making scenes sometimes) which caused one of the random managers to come over and I enjoyed that to no extent because wally-world managers have the IQ of...mmm...gnats. We struted over and limped away. I loved it :twisted:
I was promised that wouldn't happen again. We'll see. Bright side? I got to vent a little anger at helpless little fucktards.
I hate stereotypes.

If one more person that I know walks up to me(friend, acquaintance, the homeless guy I see in the morning, ANYONE!) and asks me for money because they have no gas WHILE they open a new pack of cigarettes, pops the top of a beer or soda or eats a candy bar in front of me....I'm gonna fucking scream! :evil: :x
If ya didn't buy the nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, or any other vice then you'd have money for the gas for your car so you wouldn't have to ask random people. Or, just budget a little better. hmmmmm crack or gas...crack..or...gas.....I really need to get to work so I can afford my house and crack and such and such...maybe I should buy the gas first and hold off on the crack....IT'S THAT SIMPLE. HELL, I had a fucking neighbor that i've only seen in the hallway ask me for money I don't know you . I don't care what the fuck happens to you!!!


WHY OH WHY do people come up to me and try to buy pot? WHAT THE FUCK ABOUT ME SAYS" I sell pot"? I don't. Can't even stand the smell but I have random idiots I want to perform lobotmies on ask me for pot. What the fuck possesses someone to go up to a complete starnger and randomly ask shit like that? Jesus , Mary and Joseph....AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!

ok..done..for now
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