Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 10-19-2011, 05:34 PM   #6563
Mr.Doobie's Avatar
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Originally Posted by wolf moon View Post
I've been making my own way through school since I was "fresh out of high school young". While I don't technically pay tuition (scholarship), my living expenses have been my responsibility since I was about 17 and still in high school.
I'm in the same exact situation, gurl. Only my mom is a butcher, so she can't afford to put me through school.
When one of them asks me to do something I can't afford or miss time from work, I don't generally get upset or assume they're terrible people.
Neither do I. I'm only saying it can get pretty frustrating.

There are times when I'm in a restaurant with them, and my friends have done things that I know from experience needlessly inconvenience the staff. Examples? Mashing all their food and napkins and stuff into their dinner glasses. This one time we were all super-high and went to Wendy's ten minutes before closing, and my one friend insisted on sitting down and eating inside, right over where one of the night guys had just mopped the floor. I insisted we all leave, so that we didn't keep the night guys up, he sat there and threw a fit and said "IT'S THEIR JOB TO DO THESE THINGS! THEY CAN JUST DEAL WITH IT!" Situations like that bother me, because I know if I was a worker I would be thinking to myself "... asshole", and I know they don't know any better, but it's still rather embarrassing and frustrating to me. I really don't want to be that guy with those friends, because I know what it's like to have to take care of that guy and his friends.
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