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Old 11-22-2011, 12:57 PM   #1
CyanideandRaspberryTea's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bradford, UK
Posts: 81


Not new to the scene, but new to this online community. When I say not new to the scene, I mean I've been into the music, aesthetic, literature etc. for quite a while now. Not that I know tons of gawwwwths, sadly enough.

Anyhoo. I did the question thing, so enjoy x

1. What do you do?

Currently I'm a college student in Bradford, studying Creative Design for Stage and Screen. In theory. But the be honest, it's kind of a joke. However, I'm working my ass off because next year it's Lincoln uni, or bust, baby.

2. Where are you from?

I'm originally from Springfield, MO, but my family moved over to England in 2003. Lived in Doncaster until August this year, when I got married and moved to Bradford.

3. Who is your favourite author?

Now we're gettin' to the good stuff. I'm not going to lie, I love ye olde cliche Edgar Allan Poe, a nice bit of H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen King of course. Interview With a Vampire and a few Shakespearean works also have pride of place on my bookshelf. (I also love comics, but that's another story).

4. What are your favourite films?

Hocus Pocus. Never fails to cheer me up. The Crow, Gypsy 83, anything by Tim Burton, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Dracula Dead and Loving It (saw this before I saw any other Dracula film and can't take them seriously), Amelie, Pan's Labyrinth, Girl Interrupted, Coraline, The Addam's Family, Requiem for a Dream...the list is endless.

5. What music do you want played at your wedding?

Already being legally bound, we've yet to have the big party, so we're a-planning. I really really want to walk down the aisle to 'Ride of the Valkyries' and I want our first "official" couple's dance to be to Voltaire's 'Stuck With You'...yeah, we take this shit seriously

6. At your funeral?

Gawd, erm...haven't thought quite that far ahead. But I want it to be a party. But my husband and I have decided that whoever dies first is having "You Just Lost The Game" engraved on their tombstone. We're all dying, why not have a giggle about it?

7. This is a gothic website do you want to die?

In the arms of my beloved. Or a huge firey explosion.

8. What kind of casket would you want?

Something engraved with roses and vines.

9. What's your FAVOURITE outfit?

Currently? My red blouse with the black ribbon detail, black corset, black lace skirt, anatomical cameo belt, red striped tights and my awesome platform Mary-Janes with bat buckles.

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?

Not caring.

11. What's your favourite band?

It changes. But right now I'm really into Rasputina, Creature Feature and Type O Negative, but finding new shit to check out all the time.

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/will be/was your major?

In college, but hopefully *fingers crossed* off to Lincoln for a BA in Illustration next year. It's a shame that the arts are getting the raw end of the economic deal.

13. Why did you join?

Need some new friends who share my interests and don't think black eyeliner and a Cradle of Filth t-shirt makes them goth I love you, Jody, but you have much to learn :P

14. I am female.
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