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Old 12-03-2011, 02:30 AM   #625
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Originally Posted by BlacKat View Post
(1) when I mentioned "appearing to peasants" I was referring to the people listed as seeing him after the resurrection. The ones we have listed are essentially jewish peasants. Couldn't Jesus have appeared to, say, Pilate? Or some more important people?

(2) You didn't answer the question. I am well aware you believe that hell/death is the punishment for sin. What I am asking is why you believe this is a just punishment. From what I see, sending people to eternal hell for temporal sins is a massive overreaction to ignorance, and thus in and of itself an unjust act.
well not all of the people who Jesus visited were peasants, and Jesus stayed on the earth for 40 days before he went to heaven, and he could have appeared to the higher ups but he didn't have no need to. Also I believe that death is a just punishment for sin, because thats how it started out, in the garden with adam and eve God told them if you eat of this tree you will die, and that curse was upon everyone that came from adam because we were all in adam, and because of our sin we deserve to die well anyone who is above the age of accountablility deserves the punishment for sin which is eternity in hell and seperation from God. also it's not God who sends you to hell you choose to go there by your free will for not accepting Jesus as savior, to save you from hell, what do you think you need a savior for.and sins are not temporal they are permanent if you don't have them forgiven. I believe it is Just because it breaks the la, and all law breakers need to be punished according to the law
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