Thread: Faith
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Old 12-06-2011, 01:26 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Despanan View Post
Because you study religion, so I thought you might have been exposed to an argument for religious faith that I haven't thought of. I'm working on a play right now where a Character has to make an argument for religious faith, and I'm having trouble making an argument that I consider to be strong.
Not really. The first thing they tell you in religious studies that we won't spend time arguing over whether a religion is true or not, and for the most part we don't impose moral judgements. The closest we got to it was in a course I did about women and religion, where we looked at feminist arguments that said religion is too patriarchal for feminists to ever participate in, and religious feminists countered that making their voices heard in religion and reclaim the tradition is the only way to make it more egalitarian, Judith Plaskow is a good reference for that kind of argument.

Right now, all I can come up with are appeals to emotion.
I think the kind of debates over the morality or goodness or usefulness of faith while wrapped up in rational talk, comes from a very emotionally invested place, so I don't see the problem with recognizing that.
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