Thread: Oi.
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Old 01-12-2012, 09:43 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 3

Yeah, title sucks. I know.

'ello everyone, I'm an older member who hasn't posted in what seems like decades. Most of you wouldn't remember me anyway, so I won't bother scratching my head trying to recall what name I was using back then.

But, plain and simple, I've missed you old snarky ********.

(Am I allowed to say that?)

Anyway, onto the intro...

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)
Study, program, write, play.

2. Where are you from?

Southwestern US.

3. Who is your favorite author?

William Gibson has my heart, at the moment. Finishing my umpteen re-read of The Difference Engine right now. It's hard to go wrong with airships and clockwork computers, don't you think?

4. What are your favorite films?

Hanna, Metropolis, The Hunger, etc.

5. What music do you want played at your wedding?

BYOP - Adventurers (Partner must come equipped with own sword and armor, and be willing to endure my geekiness and occasional rolling of D20s)

Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia, My Reflection

Kraftwerk - Computerliebe

6. At your funeral?

A playlist consisting of SoM, Bauhaus, Christian Death, Kraftwerk, John the Baptist (Signing Off in particular), AC/DC, Infected Mushroom, Assemblage 23, Clock DVA, M.D.C, Subhumans, Bikini Kill, Be Your Own Pet, The Runaways..

7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?

Peacefully, having defended the world from the onslaught of zombies. Or dragons. Or zombie dragons.

8. What kind of casket would you want?

Eh, I'd prefer a funeral pyre.. =/

9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?

Black leather jacket, black jeans, Bauhaus T-shirt.

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?

Being able to read for eight hours straight and not be bothered.

11. What's your favourite band?

Sisters of Mercy

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?

Dropped out of High School, been pursuing independent studies ever since. If I do decide to go to college, my major will probably be some subset of Computer Science with a double major in English.

13. Why did you join?

Because I felt like it, obviously.

14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?


Usually I'd give a bit more detail about myself, but I signed up again on a whim and don't have the energy atm, nor do I want to impose my odd sleep-deprived sense of humour on you guys. So, bear with me.

On a final note - I tend to be rather perky, and my perkiness IS contagious. For once you journey down the dark path... *Cough*
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