Thread: The Paranormal
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Old 01-16-2012, 01:19 PM   #65
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 28
O.k., regardless of whether or not I am believed, I am going to weigh in.
Take this for what it is worth, but I am a Medium.
I do communicate with the dead, I do read Photos and can see into the past.
I have seen with my own eyes (sorry, I was Not hallucinating), Full Body Apparitions, that look as solid as a living person.
This is just something I am able to do, like anyone else is good at something.
This is a Genetic thing too, so I am Not able to just switch it off.
It is always there, even if it does subside from time to time.
Sometimes, things happen when the timing is right.
My home is also an EMF Hot Zone, which means that it enables Spirits to pass through unaided, but it gives them the energy to do so.
Some Spirits are more Vocal and Communicative than others.
Some just pass through with No communication whatsoever.
I have been spoken to, had full length Conversations with Spirits, I have been yelled and screamed at, slapped, kicked, hit, had my hair pulled, scared out of my wits a couple of times and have even been physically assaulted by one Nasty at least once.
I have also communicated with and continue to do so, long dead Relations and Loved Ones, who stop in to look after me and assist me with some of my Family Work that I sometimes do.
In 2009, I saw the Spirit of my Long Deceased Grandfather.
I honestly did think I was going Nuts and took about 3 weeks for me to sort it all out in my own mind, before saying anything to my Family about it.
I did take some Equipment and did try to capture something.
I got at least one EVP, but upon clean up, it was something in Italian.
I believe it was my Grandfather.
I personally, in my own mind, think that he is waiting on my Beloved and Sainted Grandmother to pass before he goes on.
I think he wants to go with her, so they are together.
They were Married for 50+ years.
Theirs is a True Love Story.
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