Thread: The Paranormal
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Old 01-17-2012, 05:16 AM   #66
Join Date: Aug 2011
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I came late to this topic but her Is a briefing on my thoughts on this matter. First that movie is a dramatization of a real occurance . An unentertaining one at that. It is a real occurrence , despite your faith or lack there of , things live and die there energy goes every where into the air and objects around us . In the event of a peace full death there imprint on there environment is small due to being relaxed no the event of a violent or tragic death it is a biger imprint cause there is more strain on the soul body etc. Human beings have alot of untapped abilities , most people don't believe in the supernatural because they fail to witness anything themselves . One reason is most people are not sensitive to the subtlety of the spiritual realms or there natural shields are to high to be effected when around the basic of specters. For a diffent aspect to the question simply believing in something brings it into being. That's why gods demand worship the more your existence is being acknowledged the realer you become.
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