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Old 02-07-2012, 02:03 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by burningplain View Post
I bow to your superior knowledge of anthropology Saya. Thank you for correcting me, clearly I need to do more research.

Alan; what makes my friend an idiot? Her point is not based on the multiplicity of theories. Its based on the mechanisms of psychological study which are not as empirically sound as other sciences. So yeah, psychology is a science, but to quote Dr Brennan it's a soft science. And clearly my point on definitions and symptoms has been ignored. Yeah, yet again I make an argument and it gets ignored.

Fuck it, I can see that I will make no head way with any of you lot, no matter what I say, no matter how I argue. So, whilst I won't say you win, I will say that clearly you all lack the ability to debate with out deciding that insult has to be brought in.
Alright, this is dumb. BP, just admit that what you're asking for is for non-believers to say, "It's okay that you believe in neopaganism!"

Seriously, it's unreasonable to ask for something such as that with no empirical evidence to back up your claim.

Do you want to know what would happen if you could prove your faith with empiricism? It would become the domain of the material. It would become politicized. Even if what you said was true, your faith is probably not worth being a part of in a meaningful way.

I mean look at the old testament. Look at almost all of the desert monotheism faiths and tell me that if they were proven right, that those gods wouldn't be worth a DAMN following.

Why you people had to go and argue the merits of fields of study, I will not know. I guess so long as you guys can prove that science isn't perfect, then it's acceptable to assume anything just so long as it makes you feel good. Well fuck you. The scientific ignorance gap has been monumentally huge in the past and right now, scientists worth their salt would tell you that we as a human species still have a long time to go before we figure out the whole thing. But FUCK anyone out there who's intellectually lazy enough to stop exploring and finding answers when they can just say, "God did it".

Once upon a time, people believed that humans were full of 3 terrible fluids in their bodies (blood, semen, bile) and that bleeding these fluids out would somehow cure sickness. In those times, it was popularly assumed that sicknesses and diseases were a curse. Imagine if we stopped thinking right there. Imagine if we left it up to the will of god instead of human curiosity. We would be rightly fucked. Why you or anyone else would ever entertain the idea of the healing power of crystals and weaving circles over actual medicine is beyond me. You fucking... CHILDREN.
"Women hold up half the sky" -Mao

"God always picks the strangest things to get angry about. Get an abortion or gay married and he'll aim a tornado right at you.

Rip off a million poor people and Wall street has no problems. " -Rebecca B
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