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Old 02-07-2012, 05:33 PM   #192
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Originally Posted by burningplain View Post
Actually, I wasn't attacking science as a whole, I like science, hell I chose to study it. What I am asking for is something called TOLERANCE.
No you do not want tolerance. You want concessions. You want to be incorrect and have others view your incorrectness as acceptable. I'll give you the extent of the only tolerance anyone deserves in this respects. You are limited as we all are. You are probably quite decent as a person. You do not have any answers that are empirically meaningful. Because of this, you do the very classic thing that we have all been guilty of. You embrace phantasms to assuage your alienation, your pain, your fear, and your incompetence. That is understandable. But I will not sit here and say that at the end of the day, your fantasies are actually okay. They are not.

You wonder why there's intolerance? You wonder why there's war? Thank you AshleyO for so beautifully bringing the evidence for it.
Fuck you. Wars don't get started over a lack of belief you dick. You have to believe something in order to do the nasty shit people do in the name of those beliefs. And you wonder why atheists are militant? I guess it has NOTHING to do with the fact that we are only militant in a reactionary way. I guess it has nothing to do with the fact that it is RELIGION that plants the seeds of belief of in groups and out groups to such a degree that it drops buildings on heads and kills and abuses half of the human population because shit... some pissed off desert slaughter god said so.

You want my honest to god opinion on Marxism? Here it is. It's a foolish theory, which ignore basic instincts instilled into us through evolution and it cannot work on a scale the size of the current human population.
You child. This has to do with beliefs in supernatural matters and the consequences of them, NOT systems of economics. The petulance of you...

"I can't defend my stupid beliefs and they can't stand up to scrutiny so because I feel attacked, I'm going after something you hold near and dear because hopefully you'll know what it feels like to be equally stupid."

For fuck's sake, kid. Read a fucking book. Put the crystals down. Stop making your room smell like a fart cause you burn too much sage. And realize that it is YOU who are trying to make yourself uncommon and ignoring the common by grasping at whatever fairy tale makes you feel special. Fuck you, child.
"Women hold up half the sky" -Mao

"God always picks the strangest things to get angry about. Get an abortion or gay married and he'll aim a tornado right at you.

Rip off a million poor people and Wall street has no problems. " -Rebecca B
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