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Old 02-21-2012, 10:58 AM   #52
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I'm pretty sure this isn't GM Fruity. They just took normal stem cells from a cow, and have basically provided them with a nutrient to grow in, that would basically contain all the things a cow embryo would need to grow into a calf ( petri dish jellified contents) , then electroshocked them to grow quicker.

It's pretty much what would happen inside a cows uterus...just in a glass dish. Admittedly doesn't look too stupendous in that lab but it's basically exactly the same meat, genetically, as the cow it came from. They just took a tiny fragment and can force it grow bigger without the need for breeding a new animal and feeding it up for slaughter.

It's not too different in principle from fruit grafting. You take a small piece of something established, and grow a ready to use specimen more quickly from that.

The quickest way to grow a new fruit tree and have it produce fruit in the first year ( not possible from seed whatsoever ) , is to take a cutting and graft it onto a host tree of planting size. Not remotely natural but it's safe and it works. No GM required.

Purepsycho - There would be a need for farms, as you can't get stem cells out of thin air. The number of farms would be dramatically reduced and herd/flock sizes similarly reduced. But they would still need to breed animals to obtain the stem cells in the first place. They could simply do it much much easier, more cheaply, and provide better conditions for the smaller number of beasts to live and die in. ( Which they can actually do now they just can't be arsed )

And I hate to break this to you but most farms are not actually cramped, since the beasts live or spend a great part of their time outside where they are supposed to be. The number of farms containing their stock indoors 24/7 worldwide is actually relatively small because it costs a fortune to heat and light the buildings if nothing else.
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