Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 04-01-2012, 04:52 AM   #7154
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Originally Posted by Acharis View Post
I've chosen the lighter path but it still feels so fucking forced.

People think I'm "perky" but it's not so much optimism or enthusiasm as much as making determined attempts to dig myself out.
Good on ya Acharis.

It will feel forced for awhile, but hang in there because it will become easier the more you do it. Gradually, it will become less forced, and more natural and you'll reach the point where it just happens.

I tend to fake the 'perky' shit too. Seriously what is it about society and the fact that woman are supposed to act all perky?

What kills me are the "Oh my god, that outfit is just adorable" conversations that some woman fall into. I cannot do those.

And the hugging... What is with that? It's taken me three years to hug one of my girlfriends. She noticed and figured something was up and I only recently told her that because of a shitty ex, who abused me and shit that I have issues with being touched which is a real shame because i enjoy a good hug.

I'm going to get over that one day too. If I keep forcing myself to hug, then I'll get past it, and it will become a habit. Just need to keep it up.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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