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Old 04-23-2012, 02:33 PM   #24
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Community gardens are another way of growing things with limited space. I think you can do a lot without moving out of the city onto a land, unless that's what you want to do.

I used to preserve my own food, make my own jam, grow fruit and vegies in summer but my interests changed and I just decided to use what was in season and shop at farmer's markets, because it worked for me.

I suppose its outsourcing but in a sustainable way, because you give the money directly to the farmer rather than giving it to a middle man like a supermarket.

Houses and flats can be retrofitted to be more energy efficient; community gardens can be built on unused/council areas. I think it's better to live closer to where you work, than to live out in the sticks and have to commute for hours (and all of the GHG emissions from the car/bus)

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