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Old 05-16-2012, 06:24 AM   #30
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by Renatus View Post
When did Canada's racism start exactly? Did it by chance coincide with the slaves escaping into Canada?
No. I don't live in an area where black people have lived for a long time, but natives seem to get most of the racism pointed at them. There is racism against black people and contrary to popular belief we did have a slave trade, it just wasn't very popular. Right away we tried to kill natives.

I think the initial racism against the natives was a matter of psychologically making it easier to wage a war against them, for the sake of taking their land. Dehumanization of the enemy is quite normal in the course of a war.
The question wasn't if educated Africian civilizations, it was how many.
Africa was actually in pretty good shape before Europe ruined everything. Ethiopia for example was pretty famous in classical mythology, you know Andromeda and the Queen of Sheba? Came from Ethiopia, and Ethiopia was one of the last to ban slavery. And yes, they had a writing system for a very long time.

But those don't count as Lynchings, those are just plain murders, all lynchings are murders but not all murders are lynchings. Lynchings are very public demonstrations, there is no hidden motive behind them, no attempts at denying their purpose. They rip you out of your home, and drag you to some public place, and kill you. They are used to intimidate, to say "if you step out of line, we will kill you". It's not done by individuals, it's done by a mob of people, to completely dominate.

As for the Trayvon Martin shooting, I've been looking to The Young Turks for info on this and they did show that apparently zimmerman very much might have been hurt. With that last piece of info I've decided to leave the decision of guilt to the jury to decide, since I don't know everything that's going on and it's no longer as one sided as it originally seemed.

Zimmerman stalked (after the dispatcher told him not to) and killed an unarmed kid, according to stand your ground laws Martin had a right to self defense and could have rightly killed Zimmerman, but as we see from CeCe McDonald, self defense only works if your victim is of colour, not if you're of colour and the dead is white.

And lawfully sanctioned murder can be pretty horrific, I would not want to have been Troy Davis and have been played with for so many years. We celebrate the death of black people even if we're not publicly there, through selling target practice or doing black face in the hoodie and posting it online. The public sphere is extended, there's no personal guilt in being part of it but you can celebrate it all the same.
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