Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 05-21-2012, 10:11 PM   #7394
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
To be fair to Val that text book isn't the greatest, I like that it took a transnationalist stance (most other text books in the WS department, at least in the courses I've taken so far, are more American or Euro centric) but not a whole lot of context is given for the excerpts and articles it has.

In the Feminist Theory text book there's an awesome excerpt from The Myth Of The Vaginal Orgasm by Anne Koedt that focuses on medical views of female sexuality that is absolutely appalling (no clit stimulation needed! If you can't orgasm from penetration alone, you're frigid! You should get surgery to move your clit down lower to your vag so you can orgasm through penetration alone).

The Victorian stuff was even more scary, it used to be believed that a child could only be produced if the woman orgasm, so if a woman was rraped and consequently got pregnant, she enjoyed it and she's a liar. There was also the medical theory that the vagina is a "quivering sheath" that the woman needs to hold it still for penetration, therefore a single man wouldn't be able to force penetration, it was gang **** or it was consensual.

Also for midwifery, its true. A lot of people like to shit on them as a hippy dippy thing but honestly a lot of women don't need serious medical intervention for giving birth, legislating midwifery would cut down on overcrowding in hospitals as those who can have healthy babies at home or a midwifery centre don't have to bother the hospitals. Newfoundland has a horrific C-section rate primarily because doctors want to get through birthing as quickly as possible and move on to the next patient.

I looked into being a midwife, but its more schooling than being a nurse.
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