Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 05-22-2012, 02:19 AM   #7396
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 729
Originally Posted by Saya View Post
Also for midwifery, its true. A lot of people like to shit on them as a hippy dippy thing but honestly a lot of women don't need serious medical intervention for giving birth, legislating midwifery would cut down on overcrowding in hospitals as those who can have healthy babies at home or a midwifery centre don't have to bother the hospitals. Newfoundland has a horrific C-section rate primarily because doctors want to get through birthing as quickly as possible and move on to the next patient.

I looked into being a midwife, but its more schooling than being a nurse.
True. My mother was a lay midwife in the 60s, and apparently the popularity of home-births and midwifery was a backlash against the control over womens bodies during birth by the overwhelmingly male doctors.

(I'm talking flat on the back, stirrups, compulsory enemas and genital shaving, being drugged out for jaws of life instead of being allowed to deliver... basically births were generally treated as medical emergencies even when they weren't, and the woman was allowed no dignity or control over her own body.)

Also it wasn't that a bunch of men decided to study medicine. It was that a bunch of people wanted to, and until very recently it was only the men that were allowed to gain that knowledge and power.
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