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Old 05-22-2012, 03:41 PM   #8
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It may just be that Saya realizes that some people, in their ignorance, will cling to religion. Despite medical fact or how many times their beliefs are ripped to shreds and all of the magic is removed. People are stubborn when it comes to their religious beliefs. They have been so terrified of this fictitious 'hell' all of their lives that they will shut their minds off to reason to avoid it. From what I've seen of religion(and being raised southern baptist) they use fear very well to control the flock.

I long for a day when religion will be cast down. People should realize that their destiny lies in their own hands and not some deity sitting in the clouds. I feel that religion oppresses people all their lives.
I'd rather label myself than have a million other people do it for me. ~ Pathogen

...I've been accused of folly by a fool. ~Antigone

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