Thread: A Goth is Here
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Old 06-06-2012, 04:45 PM   #8
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Back in Wisconsin(thinking about invading the south)
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Originally Posted by Soulbinder View Post
If Permafrost isn't dark enough for you. Then maybe you should tell me what is, I never was much of a follower or a drone following after name brands.
Where to start.

First off, we don't care how "Dark" you think something is, dark does not equal goth. As I seem to be saying more and more often, if black clothes and tortured souls made people goths, then the Catholic priesthood would be the gothiest organization on earth (and I say that as a Catholic).

What music is goth? Gothic Rock, it's the genre that got goth started in the first place, and without it, goth would not exist. The fact that you seem to have no clue as to that fact, indicates to me that you are in fact a poseur. You can't be a goth if you haven't even heard(or heard of) gothic rock, the standard to be a goth is that you have to enjoy it but at this point thats out of the question. Not trying to crush your dreams(and not all hope is lost) or anything, just stating facts.

I even tried to tip you off with the comment "more likely we would have mistaken you for a hipster", because the first thing I did when I came across your profile was look up the songs you mentioned (not easy to do when you don't mention who played them but I found it on youtube nonetheless), and what I heard was what would appear to be hipster music, but most certainly NOT gothic rock.

Now there is the possibility that I was wrong about which permafrost you meant, the one I assume you meant was the one by a band apparently named "Laurena". You could quite possibly have meant permafrost by magazine which is post-punk, which while still not goth, is a hell of a lot closer as post punk is what you could say an ancestor of goth. But somehow I suspect that is not the case.

With that in mind there is still a chance for you to be a goth. Go check out some of the bands listed in the gothic rock section of wikipedia, or if you're lazy and just want some basics to start with check out the The Sisters of Mercy, Clan of Xymox, Bauhaus, and Siouxsie and the Banshees.

If you like it, congrats, you qualify as a goth, please fill out this liability form, and don't drink the coolaid it's been spiked...... with sugar.... infact it's a bowl of sugar dyed red(we ran out of water so we tried substituting sugar for water... bob's in a diabetic coma now, and he was healthier than an Olympian before he took a sip of the coolaid). If you don't like it, don't worry, nothing to cry about, you're just not cut out to be a goth, you can still dress however you want and do whatever you were doing before, you just can't call yourself a goth anymore. In fact you can even still stay here, plenty of people here aren't goths.
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