Thread: Viva Colombia?
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Old 06-27-2012, 01:05 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Back in Wisconsin(thinking about invading the south)
Posts: 3,693
Viva Colombia?

Well I've recieved quite the interesting offer this weekend. Some of my relatives from Colombia came up here to visit this weekend, I've never met them before, but one of them owns what is apparently quite a large farm, where he grows/raises things such as a mountainside's worth of potatoes for Frito Lay.

Since my extended family is not satisfied with how I've been conducting my life, they talked him into offering me a job. I would be in Colombia for at least 12 months, much of the job would involve milking 80 cows by hand.

here are a few pros and cons off the top of my head
Finally get to visit Colombia
Amazing dental plan(since some of my relatives down there are dentists and orthodontists)
Get to ride horses
get to see my relatives in Colombia and see where my mother's side of the family is from.
Learn Spanish
Colombian Women
Farm is located near Bogota, Colombia's capital
Spectacular landscapes, and buildings built in them.

Have to learn spanish quickly, since the best english speaker our family has down there, is a young teen who has a long ways to go.
Untill I do learn spanish I will be quite lonely
Stuck in Colombia for a year
I get easily sun burnt... as we speak my body is recovering from the sunburns received from a few hours swimming outside, while an acceptable amount of sunburn, it reflects badly on my potential for farm work so close to the equator.

internet access
safety of job, and safety of the current Colombian political climate. As an example of how crazy things can get in Colombia, here's the picture of some of their tanks.

driving into the Colombian supreme court(Palace of Justice), in an effort to rescue the people held hostage by Guerrillas inside. 11 out of their 25 justices were killed during the siege. Of course that was back in 85, but its a bit disturbing since this is the sort of thing you'd only imagine happening in Hollywood action films.

Worst part of all of this though, is I have until friday to decide.
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