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Old 07-20-2012, 10:52 AM   #115
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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To be honest, it's mostly because I can actually remember being similar in my approach to many issues myself, and it's not as long ago as I'd like to pretend. I can remember thinking that I 'wasn't really into politics', and pitying those who suffer under its tyranny abstractly, from a distance, because it didn't really have anything to do with me. I can even remember saying "That's so gay" to gay friends, then arguing with them when they told me it wasn't cool, on the basis that "language is fluid and anyway, you know I didn't really MEAN it THAT way..."

I now find this shit abhorrent, but I don't think that being something of a dick about it necessarily makes you a bad person (even if it's INFURIATING from the other end), because the mainstream in the west is pretty much dedicated to enabling the delusion that Bad Shit happens to Other People, and more importantly, that it's not Your Problem. We're taught pretty much from birth to feel ten feet tall for dropping a quid into a collection box now and again, while our feelings of "Well I didn't do anything wrong so why is [X group] mad at ME", are completely validated and reinforced by the culture around us. The resulting removal of heads from arses is difficult for this reason; like all forms of brainwashing, that shit can take years to undo. I guess I like to think that if there was hope for me, logic isn't always a lost cause.

I am the privilege-whisperer... but not for reasons I'm particularly proud of.

I appreciate the compliment though. Ex-dickhole or not, I'm a shameless whore for such things.

EDIT: also, anger is good and natural, and if I sound Zen about this one, it's probably because it's never affected me or anyone close to me. You should see my Facebook; my wall reads like the howling of a banshee most of the time.
"Friends are allowed to make mistakes. The enemy is not allowed to make mistakes because his whole existence is a mistake, and we suffer from it. But the women's liberation front and gay liberation front are our friends, they are our potential allies, and we need as many allies as possible.” - Huey Newton
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