Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:31 AM   #7652
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It's great that the faculty at DLI hold study halls, it just sucks that the earliest one is about 2 hours after classes let out for the day. Naturally this means that Jake never goes because he, and evereone else, hates being on post and once he is already home he isn't going to go back unless he absolutely has to. The thing is he doesn't need help, he just needs a place dedicated to doing his homework. I've tried setting up the spare room as an office but he still does all of his work in the living room, usually with the tv on and always with his computer on. He ends up taking forever because he gets distracted and he spreads his stuff everywhere, including food and drink and when he is finally done he just leaves everything everywhere and it is driving me insane.

I get that classes are stressful but fuck this shit, he is making everything so much more difficult than it is and in doing so he is making life difficult for me.
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