Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 08-10-2012, 09:27 PM   #7669
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My ear has been hurting for about two weeks now, below the bar exactly.. I took it off for a few days and seems that something bit me there.. when I felt fine I put it back and now it's hurting again =/ I can't sleep on my right side now.
I've had the bar for four years now without a problem =/

On another note, I have THE WORST caffeine headache. EVER.
It's been a loooooooooong time since I had ANY type of coffee.. and about a month not having tea (which I drink, a lot)
I'm gonna puke.
"I've an idea. Why don't we play a little game. Let's pretend that we're human beings, and that we're actually alive. Just for a while. What do you say? Let's pretend we're human. Oh, brother, it's such a long time since I was with anyone who got enthusiastic about anything."
Jack Osborne

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