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Old 08-16-2012, 03:09 PM   #3760
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Back in Wisconsin(thinking about invading the south)
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Originally Posted by Renatus View Post
We had a wasp nest outside under one of the deck chairs, we tried spraying it with a bunch of things to get rid of them. We've dealt with several of this set of wasps' nests but this one was the most persistent. Nothing worked. So I came up with the final solution. I completely covered every inch of my body, and wore a face mask with lab splash goggles, and of course my boots.

I went out there, tried setting the nest on fire. It worked for a bit but it kept going out before it finished the job and it wasn't easy to light the matches with gloves on. At this point I had gotten used to and felt safe in the fact that I was untouchable to the wasps. So I just went and crushed part of the wasps nest between my fingers. The larvae and everything inside burst and were quite juicy I suppose you could say, and the juice was oddly quite red. But at this point I realized it would still take too long(not to mention the gloves were stained by the juice) and it was getting hot with a scarf around my head(to keep them from getting in the gaps in the hood), so I just thought to hell with it, picked it up, and crushed it underneath my boot. The wasps have since disappeared quite quickly it would seem.

Is this the final victory we had been hoping for? or will they make a new nest somewhere else on the deck now? stay tuned.
The battle against the wasps continues! This afternoon we managed to locate 7 new wasp nests! Two of them quite large. But this time I came packing chemical weapons, wasp spray, with a range of what I estimate to be 2 meters. Not only did they return to their previous location underneath the deck chair, they also set up nests in the grill, in the front porch light, and 4 nests in 3 strategic points right under the roof.

The first point of attack was the most obvious, the deck chair, upon removing the cushion you could clearly see where they had the nest set up, it was time to see just what this spray could do. It wasn't easy to aim though since I dared not lay on my back to see under the chair or disturb the chair out of fear of retaliation and being left vulnerable on my back. The spray was far different from the ant spray I was used to, this was a steady stream of wasp killing fury. Upon spraying the nest I was not disappointed, the sight of the wasps dropping like.... flies, their quickly dying bodies dropping to the deck in a satisfying succession of taps on the deck.

The next target would be found nearby in the gas grill, though we knew not where in the grill they were located so instead of the surely satisfying sound of grilled wasps screaming for mercy, we instead opted for caution. A simple walk around the back of it revealed their exit point on the grill, and there were many of them practically swarming the way out, as if some lone messenger had escaped the first battle and warned them of their impending doom. Not seeing the nest from there I proceeded to quickly douse their only escape route, this time they were ready, in spite of my spraying a few escaped flying into the air, ready to take their vengeance upon me. But I had range on my side, and with a few aimed shots they were hit in mid air, sent flying to the ground by the impact of the spray and the death it was wreaking upon their fragile bodies.

With their escape route cut off, it was time to begin our incursion into the grill. Upon opening the grill, the target was obvious, there, right on the grill inside was a large nest, that could birth dozens of new wasps, it had to be destroyed. But alas grilling was not an option, as having opened the grill, a new swarm of wasps attacked and I was quickly forced to fire upon them, sprays of spray and wasps going left and right it was chaotic but within a minute it was all over, the wasps dead, the nest doused in the spray's toxic cocktail.

It was then from my brother that rumor reached me of a wasp nest inside the light on the front porch. The light, open underneath, was the perfect spot for them, and a tricky one for me. While I could see where they were, if I remained underneath to properly take aim at them, I risked dousing my own eyes with the spray as the excess dripped down under the influence of gravity. Like the soldiers of the pacific bearing flamethrowers, I completely doused the area in my flammable concoction, wary of the risk to myself. Within moments they began dropping those once fiendish foes, now laying there in their death throes, the satisfying tapping as they fell once again rang through the air.

It was only while watching me that my brother noticed a large wasp nest under the peak of the tall part of our roof. It was then that I called in the Colonel(literally), and with his help got a ladder, put on my boots, some gardening gloves(roof shingles really rough up your hands), and climbed up the rough slope of our roof. This one was our crowning victory, with a simple spray they all fell quickly, and with a hard hit from the butt of the can the nest fell down, sliding along the roof.... and into the gutter.....

It was only later however that we thought to look along the sides of the house, it was then we found three more nests all much to our dismay, far out of reach..... To be continued...............

I think I might like killing wasps a bit too much.
"The chaos of the world viewed from a distance reveals perfection."- me

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“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”- Einstein
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