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Old 09-24-2012, 08:06 PM   #4
Blue_Ballerina's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: California
Posts: 31
Thank you BurbonBoy! Yes, I am currently working on a theory that explains whether or the universe is infinate, how to navigate deep space reguardless of the Cosmological Constant, and new ways to save fuel when travelling through deep space (since you won't be able to refuel from Earth. I am also working on a way to synthesize water. As far as ballet, I train at a place called Millennium Dance Complex, which is pretty prestigious in my area. I see you are a fellow artist, what type of things do you like to illustrate?

Thank you Miss Absynthe, from the posts I have read where you commented you seem cool as hell. Love the name btw. What type of Absinthe do you like to drink? I just tried some for the first time a couple of years ago. The stuff is pretty hard to get...well...rather expensive. And finding people to drink it with is not worth the labor. So many people here are lack the culture to do said acts of elegance. The scene in LA is dying.
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