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Old 09-29-2012, 01:41 AM   #16
Miss Absynthe
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Originally Posted by Blue_Ballerina View Post
Going to make this nation a safer place?! You know it's exactly this kind of thinking that makes men believe that it is okay to **** a women. "Oh her body will shut down. I can have my way with any woman I want without worrying about a thing!"
Although I am a firm Christian, I must admit I have one serious problem with the **** issue in the bible. Nothing in there about how men shouldn't **** women but there is a passage in the Old Testament about how if a woman doesn't cry out she is a shame to her father's household and should be stoned. I was so upset when I read this because I have been ***** repeatedly throughout my life. I cried out the first time and my other cousin just stood there and watched. She fucking did nothing. The next time I went into shock, not knowing what to do so I couldn't scream. Upon reading this verse in the bible I felt so ashamed and ruined that it was all my fault. I was considered a slut by God. The only thing that gave me hope to carry on is that Jesus said "cast the first stone." Had he not come to correct this error in judgement, and this had been about 5,000 years ago, I would have been dead.

They don't realize what kind of damage this does to the women who are *****. It's almost like we are constantly being told to be so strong that even if we're ***** and told by God and men that it was our fault, it's not supposed to break us. Yet, we are thought of as weaker than men. HA! The irony behind that one kills me. I half believe that Adam ***** Eve in the garden of Eden and that's why she was in a weakened state to listen to what the snake said and take the fruit. If he did that would explain part of the reason why God blamed Adam for sin coming into the world and not Eve.
Just my thoughts on Christianity and ****...
I just don't even... afjdskjnfrn;

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