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Old 11-06-2012, 04:40 AM   #29
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Posts: 887
Originally Posted by Catch View Post
You are reading into what he said way too much. Daywalker found out that he is good at something. He didn't say he wanted to do anything like that. He is just happy about finding out he might be capable of doing a job others are not suited for.

In fact, Miss Absynthe I hope you know what you'll be doing with your degree. The wild assumptions and condemnation of Daywalker is really political and judgmental. I mean actors acting all driven by whatever is great television, yet it is well... have you thought about politics or public speaking?
How "good" he may or may not be remains to be seen.

He said it was "fun" and he "gets to" look at horrible things like it's some kind of treat. Decent human beings in those professions "have to", they don't "get to".

REAL pictures of dead people that had horrible things happen to them, he loves it. He's either posturing in which case he's a fuckhead, or he's a legitimate fucked up individual. He's apparently proud that he gets to look at all this and eat his lunch (at the same time!).

Idiot on internet attempts Gallows Humor, ends up looking like a creep.
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