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Old 11-24-2012, 01:53 AM   #3870
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Originally Posted by Miss Absynthe View Post

I think that therapy is definitely worth it.. even if it's just to learn coping mechanisms to make things easier.. or at least make things not as difficult. But I also think that it is something that is going to just be a waste of time unless the person wants to be there.

I think that meds work for some people - and if people need them and they work for them, then that is great. But I also think that we over-pathologise and over-medicate to a huge extent.
Congrats on finding a therapist that works for you.

Sometimes it's good to go on meds, to give you a break, so alternative therapies can have time to work.

I never wanted to go on meds, then decided I was sick of struggling along, went on meds, while I developed coping strategies and then came off the meds.

I agree we over medicate ourselves, but sometimes you just need to be kind to yourself.

WMMD:- not thinking about tomorrow, focusing on today, and listening to a segment on Radio National about the benefits of meditation practices - a nice gentle reminder that i need to meditate more!

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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