Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 12-12-2012, 01:08 AM   #7873
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
I'm assuming from the anger that it was from some jackass who doesn't respect privacy, or a fucked up registered sex offender thing.

I've been depressed lately since Versus left, and recently we found out a little cousin of mine has a tumor in his head they can't operate on. They don't think its cancer, and he's too young to understand (he's just mad he can't play hockey now), but its scary.

Anyway, as a result I've been unable to study when I've made time for it, so I'm staying up all night trying to dedicate to memory specifics when I know the general ideas. One of the possible questions that will be asked is to write an essay on the life of Albert Schweitzer, who was a professional and very talented organist, theologian and doctor. To get all that shit done, he would not sleep, and stay up all night drinking coffee and putting his feet into a bucket of cold water.

I decided "well, I could try that." Yes, yes it wakes you up. But indeed he was some sort of self flagellating modern St. Francis.
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