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Old 12-16-2012, 08:01 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Jaye Jang View Post

You know, I read the news sometimes and I find myself wondering what happened to humanity. You get one guy shooting up little children in Connecticut, a hate crime in PA involving 84-90 year old Mennonite ladies tied up and attacked with a stun gun, and then some obviously mentally disturbed lady in St. Louis who made her 13-year-old sneak up and tie his sister's dog to the back of her ex-husband's truck and the poor guy unknowingly almost drug the poor little doggie to death. And all the ex did was give his daughter a puppy!. And then you get the blamers trying to pin this on autistic people, etc. (and that makes me mad because I used to teach autistic children back when I taught art, and I know that's a "line of b-u-l-l").

You know, I hate to say this, but it really brings home the point made by John Ciardi when he wrote:

"Pithecantropus erectus,
could he see us,
would reject us."
Indeed. But you have to believe in the good. In love, not in all the angry and blaming that humans do. If you do not believe in the good, then you just get caught up in the angry and intolerant mob, and that makes one no better off then those that are being bad mouthed.

And those issues that you mentioned - they have always happened. It's just that now we can access that news a lot easier. I tend to tune out of the bad stuff, because we are all capable of bad things, yet doing something good and worthwhile, well that takes a whole lot more courage and determination.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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