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Old 01-18-2013, 02:44 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by AshleyO View Post
Yeah. Which kind of brings up the rest of my point. The more people have to fight for their rights, the less important an agreed upon list of rights by some ancient dudes becomes.

The world is changing and I kind of see the BOR standing in the way or being a distraction to achieving more rights for the people.

Honestly, I still don't understand why people are so opposed to marriage equality. It doesn't really add up cause I am sure they have the sense to see why it's at least fair.
That's your opinion,and I disagree with it as it realates to the B.O.R.

The very reason that we need to fight to preserve those rights is what keeps us informed and ever watchful of the government,and that helps to keep the government in check.

Remember the original flag of our nation (the gadsden flag) featured a rattle snake that is in a coiled ready to strike position,this summed up the attitude needed to keep our republic and the rights others have died fighting for.

To quote one of the reasons for this choice is that the eyes of the depicted animal never blink,and as such it is a symbol of the eternal vigilance the people must have.

The ready to strike position also stood for the defenisve nature we must have toward our government,in case those in power forget that it is their job to serve us and not the other way around.

Which is also why so many have taken up the old flag as of late, not as a threat but as a warning.

You also do a disservice to your oath (you do claim to be a vet after all,and you did swear an oath to protect the Constitution and B.O.R. when you joined the armed forces of this country,am I right?)
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