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Old 01-21-2013, 05:28 PM   #22
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by ape descendant View Post
Yeah, pretty much. It is really easy to stay entrenched in that system of thought, especially if that's pretty much all you've known, and had shoved down your throat by family, school and media from the time you're born. It can be hard to see at first and even harder to examine and know what to do with the information.
Its really hard to get out of, and I don't think anyone has an easy time getting out of it. Its a long process, and it'll probably be with you to the day you die. In class the other day we were talking about Marxist feminism and anarcho-feminism and how hard it would be mentally for us to switch to a communal system after being entrenched in individualism, even though we might really really want to be communal, but it would probably be much easier for the next generation if we're careful. But its like that with most things, the more entitled we feel to be dismissive of other's struggles, the harder it is to let go of our privilege. Or they feel that only one or two things need to change and society would be fine. So its easy for rich or middle class cis hetero white women to dismiss feminism because they profit enough from patriarchy, hell, I even know a lesbian or two who feel like they have enough of a stake in kyriarchy to defend the whole mess.

Plus the average person doesn't exactly have much exposure to feminism either. I got a little shocked at a coworker who asked me if a customer was a he or a she, and I was just like "they didn't tell me their preferred gender pronoun...?" I think she sensed I thought that was rude and apologized but I could tell she didn't know why I thought it was rude. Its hard to be too hard on her in that case, but on the other hand, its so super super important for gender etiquette to be known, you know? And because it was a coworker I felt awkward about making that a teaching moment. But there's a lot of people too who should really fucking know better, and for them I have no patience.
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