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Old 02-08-2013, 12:37 AM   #6
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Victoria, Australia
Posts: 45
Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
You may never say that a woman is anti-feminist for acting feminine but it is certainly something that I have heard quite a bit, I've gone to rallies and been told to either change or leave, so I appreciate seeing something that is both feminine and feminist. There are definitely things posted there that I would never post and that I don't 100% agree with but this isn't a professional blog, it's someone's personal tumblr and they are just posting what they feel.

Saying that what she is doing isn't productive is saying that her perspective isn't important just because it is different from yours and I'm sorry but that's fucks up. We need to accept that there will be a lot of different perspectives within the feminist movement and that they are all important. We need to acknowledge that some people are coming from a place of hurt and anger and in turn their words will be less politically correct and they will say things that may offend people but they have every right to express how they feel.
The ratio of people telling women to be girly versus the people telling women they don't have to be weighs heavily on the former. What I'm saying here is that "fighting to be feminine" because feminists won't let you be is diverting attention from issues like dismantling the patriarchy. Who the fuck told you to change or leave? Unless you were dressed as a womankilling businessman dudebro I can't imagine getting any animosity from women who believe in the rights of women.

I didn't say her perspective isn't important because it's different than mine. Really? That's what came across? I'm not writing off this group's idea at all, I wouldn't waste time criticising it if it was complete bullshit. I think you're trying to paint me as some ogre who doesn't want people to express themselves and that makes me frown.

Do you think that encouraging violence is a good direction for any movement to go in?
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