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Old 02-12-2013, 12:21 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
He could have also not dated a psycho. Apparently there are flaws in that nearly half the women who responded to that dailymail poll would lie or otherwise go to astonishing lengths to conceive from an unwilling partner as opposed to say, adopting or going to a fertility clinic, or I dunno finding a willing partner, so the only way to be safe is to assume anyone you are dating is "a duplicitous creature willing to go to any lengths to fulfil her dreams of having a family".

What a healthy nurturing environment for a child to be raised in!
Sadly, children are being raised by women like that. However, dating a psycho is never obvious until it's too late. Based on my own experience, one faked a pregnancy when I was still in high school hoping I'd get back with her but when I didn't she freaked out and did all sorts of crazy shit. Slashing the tires of a friend's car, starting a fight with a mutual acquaintance because we were sharing a smoke in the parking lot, calling up another mutual friend and threatening suicide because I wouldn't get back with her, etc., etc. Up until the point we broke up, she seemed like your average high school teen, a little tomboyish, but average just the same.

Was it a hard learned life lesson that people aren't as stable as they appear? Absolutely. The other hard lesson I learned were the tactics she'd employ to ensure I'd stay in her life should we get back together and broke up a second time. She planned to do exactly what the intern did to the family practitioner because "That's the only time he didn't use a condom when we were together." Others included approaching me while under the influence of your average high school drunken party and a number of other scenarios so you get the idea.

The only way to keep away from people like that is to stay alert. They may be in the minority, but it's still a group sizable enough to be aware of.
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