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Old 03-01-2013, 05:37 PM   #77
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Victoria, Australia
Posts: 45
The questions I'm asking aren't part of an agrument. I really want to know the answers and I thought you guys could help me out. I wish Saya would appear again because she knows so much about trans stuff and I felt very enlightened about the position of trans activists!

Although individual cases don't matter very much in the discussion of a group as a whole, something quite uncanny happened to me last night. A dear friend of mine just admitted to me that he is undergoing treatment to become woman-bodied. He was very interested in the radical feminist perspective and agreed wholeheartedly that cis privilege doesn't exist. He also agrees that gender is a construct, that sex can not be changed and that the appearance of sex difference is part of gender. I'm going to support him (and eventually "her") through all his ups and downs while he transitions but I'm glad that he respects (un-coaxed) that to be a woman means that women do not have gender-privilege over him. I know everyone disagrees here (and I respect that) but I maintain my understanding of the hierarchy. Honestly I've known many cases of feminist allies who were trans not receiving hormone treatments or surgery because they found the implications of the act inherently sexist but I support my friend in his choices.

I'm reading Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine at the moment. Can't wait to get back to you guys with an actual understanding of what the brain has to do with gender!

Last edited by Languor; 03-01-2013 at 05:40 PM. Reason: bad grammar (worse than usual)
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