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Old 06-16-2013, 09:24 AM   #4
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My main example was actually the tax-exempt status of religious organizations, actually. Which is pretty solid proof of preferential treatment that extends beyond Christianity.

But in any case, Atheists can't Hold office in seven states in the USA. Yes the laws are old and unconstitutional, but they're still used in attempts to depose atheists who are elected. Also - privilege does not have to be explicitly legislated to be present. The "Stop and Frisk" laws don't explicitly say "ignore white people" but I still get a pass while looking sketchy and carrying a prop gun to a show. Everyone just assumes I'm not a criminal because of how I look.

Similarly, there's no need to actually enforce anti-atheist laws because the prejudice against atheists in America is so strong that it's virtually impossible to get elected without identifying as a member of the faithful.
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