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Old 05-17-2004, 01:58 PM   #955
Empty_Purple_Stars's Avatar
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Originally Posted by comatoast
Originally Posted by Maimy
If it helps, Coma, you played all of us for fools for a long time there ... so you're not alone ...
Empty, I should be a lot of things...and I could say a lot of things but I will tell you that same thing that I have been saying from last Tuesday until the last time we talked. I wish you all the happiness in life and all the wealth and love that you deserve. You are a wonderful woman that has had a hard life. You deserve so much out of life and I hope you find it all. Take care of yourself.
Oh man..

Okay everyone take three GIANT steps back away from your monitors before the Lightning gets all of us..Now what would really be cool and a real turn on for the chics is if your nose got BIGGER everytime you told a lie..Which would mean there would ALWAYS be a nice game of Sit n Spin going.

Now I'd pay good money to see that..


aww good times...

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