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Old 05-17-2004, 05:12 PM   #963
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Carry Me Back
Posts: 231
Yoiks. Okay ... Priest Toasties, you PM'd me to say you were sorry to drag me in, and that what you said to me there was the last you'd have *to* say - so I'll take your word for it and pretend you're not lurking here.

Oh. Wait. Obviously I won't.

That last post? Little bit drama queenish.

Write that off to my 'taking sides', I'm sure it'll be pretty easy. Especially given my deteriorating ability to show respect for you.


Time to take everyone to task; yes, even myself for getting into this at all.

My first asinine post really was not antagonistic. Guess I'm losing my patience for the drama. See, because this little soap opera involves a living, breathing kid. I don't care about you, Coma - or even OTFW - in comparison to y'all's child. If you two will air all this out in front of relative strangers - if you, Coma, are so stunted in your ability to sense the course your actions could take in something as rarified as a message board - then what on EARTH does your child witness? What decisions do you make in the "real world"?

Okay. Editing now. I have to note that, when I was writing, OTFW's post wasn't showing yet. Do I have to note also that it sort of exemplifies what I was trying to be diplomatic about below ... ?

This is why I asked you what you expected, above.

No - neither of you gets to tell me you don't let this stuff leak there. You're lying to yourselves worse than Coma ever lied in here, if either one of you believes that you protect your little one. Don't expect us to swallow that either.

Yeah ... see italicized comment above, there.


Yes, OTFW, I dig you like a double wide grave. But this is all hard to witness - and I don't even *really* know you. What it must be like for the rugrat, I shudder to imagine frankly. If I can sense your anger electronically and from hundreds of miles away ... *Sigh*

Fucking A. Irony, thy name is dysfractionation (posting when someone you're posting to is doing the same). *Sigh*

This should not be internet entertainment, but y'all have handed it over like so much dirty laundry.

And it is NOT entertaining now.

The fact that there's real PAIN here is the one thing preventing me from getting exhasperated at both of you and going off like EPS did when she created the rant thread.

There seems, somehow, less preventative now.


Comatoast/Priest -

You have written yourself as a tragic hero in your own life. Great. You are your own personal Mary Sue. What's a Mary Sue? "What is a Mary Sue? Mary Sues are hopelessly idealized characters who exists primarily as a projection of the writer's ego and fantasies. They serve a psychological need: they make their creators happy." Gifted ... well informed ... sensitive ... special ... Go take a look at what I mean: (the review from December 16).

You weren't so bad at first - you were trying pretty hard to create a character. But then you posted about your own long-haired beauty ... you got caught, and maneuvered for pity ... and now you want to leave with a flounce, hoping you'll be begged to stay.

Mary Sue.

How do I judge this so coldly? Hi, my name is Maria Suzette. It's all I can do to disguise the Mary-Sue-ity in my own tendencies. Oh, wait - I don't disguise it; I suck utterly at dissembling. Surely everyone recognizes that. Difference is, Coma? I recognize it too. In your case, though, plentiful admissions of your own disgust with yourself lose the ring of truth given that you created Comatoast anyway.

Okay. And OTFW.

Girl, you haven't lied to anybody. But I sense that you'd be happy to be allowed some punishment. And I get that. Your responses have smoothed out since this hit the fan. Maybe your voice softening at Coma was a real softening, and you're past some of the anger. But you're not quite done, so deal with that while everyone waits for Coma to do his own dealing.

I almost want to laugh at this now. Damn.


I'm just as disgusted with myself for dragging MYSELF into this as everyone else must be - but I figure, y'all have already broadcast the trouble here ... and I have lived the drama. My advice isn't useless.

Then again, maybe it is after all.

I tend to paint a picture of myself (and kog3100) as a pretty hoopy frood with a general knowledge of towels here. Guilty. But I have had to absorb spills, and I know what works best on the mess.

But my drama's another post. Or it's another blog. I'd like not to be the issue, so am not quite at the point of handing over my own dirty pants.

Sucking things up gets them off the counters, kids. Get your spills under control. Because y'all know as well as I do, it's not you who'll slip and hurt yourselves.

At least, not the WORST.


By the way: Coma? You never answered my question.
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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