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Old 08-06-2013, 03:55 AM   #9
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
Its actually not a good tool because a) it leaves out a lot of major expenses/sets unreasonable expectations, b) doesn't tell you how much you should be spending on what. I'm guessing that's why they added the second job (despite the fact that at 7.50 an hour, lets say, the first job indicates its a full time job.) because in this budget the rent would be too high (shouldn't be half your income). The whole point of minimum wage is so that everyone can live comfortably, not barely survive.

And its unfair to say "just get another job". In rural places, it can sometimes be the only place to work, for single moms, students, felons and other people who tend not to be considered good candidates for jobs, its the only places you can find full time work (I say this as a retail worker, unless you have a ton of experience in retail its very difficult to get full time hours.)

Also, this is in the wake of fast food strikes, demands to unionize and raise the minimum wage. McDonald's has always been extremely anti-union and I don' doubt this is an attempt to say that the minimum wage is fine.

The actual website is kinda hilarious because it talks about saving for a million dollars (using this budget, it would take you 144 years if you start at age 26 assuming you never touch your savings), and the actual tool itself does include things like food, but not things like clothing/gifts, a general Other, loan payments or gas.
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