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Old 08-19-2013, 09:21 PM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Even the Evangelical thing is ridiculous, until the 80s Evangelicals viewed abortion as a "Catholic issue" and since there's no Biblical passage about it (and really the Bible suggests that a fetus is not a person, since if a man attacks a woman and she miscarries, he is to be fined, if she dies, its murder and eye for an eye applies.), they really didn't care. The uprising in anti-abortion groups in the 80s is a backlash against the gains of the feminist movement, particularly since Evangelicals were fighting against no-fault divorce, and not only lost, but divorce rates are pretty high in the Bible belt. With abortion, its a way to keep women down, and act like you're the hero of the "unborn", who cannot tell you the white knighting isn't appreciated like when they tried to say divorce was bad for women.

They know exactly what's happening and what's at risk and they're glad for it.
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