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Old 10-09-2013, 12:07 PM   #24
Lilyth Von Gore
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 30
I obviously can't speak for any male goths here, being female, but I receive a lot of harassment when I decide to go out in my full goth attire. Even though it consists of non-skimpy clothing (I live in Scotland for crying out loud), just the mere appearance of my choker, I get unwanted attention. Oh, and the black lipstick and eyeliner.
Oh, and get this. I was told, by the police after I'd mentioned (despite it being abundantly clear) that I was a goth, that I should have expected something like that to happen because of my "lifestyle" and how it "attracts the wrong attention". As if how I dress and what lifestyle I follow is an excuse for some asshat to not take no for an answer.

And I've seen female goths get a Hellatonne more harassment than male goths, perhaps not because they're goth, but simply because they're female. Or perhaps it's because men have it in their heads that goth girls are easy.
I dunno.
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