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Old 10-11-2013, 12:04 AM   #5339
BourbonBoy's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Alamo City, USA
Posts: 764
You gotta love trolls Timeless, even the patient long term ones such as Catch.

I find it funny how after working for a drug store chain for less then a month one of my coworkers accused me of being threatening when they acted like a bully and I stood up to them (they've been known to clap hands while yelling at other co-workers, following a manager around like a lost puppy and trying to stir the pot for drama, all while talking on their cell, having family members come hangout at the store, claim personal reasons for leaving their area of responsibility, etc). Sure, I'm on probation, but I find it funny that I'm now on two strikes out of three all of the sudden when this individual never responds to questions for assistance, sits and bullshits with a previously mentioned manager and while acting domineering, despises the fact that anyone can and will talk back if they feel they're being pushed far enough.

I try not to be petty, but am I wrong to laugh when someone twice my age tries to pull high school level crap?
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