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Old 12-12-2013, 02:30 AM   #5398
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Originally Posted by Timeless Rebellion View Post
Fruity: I know, right? :P We're awesome like that!


Did this just happen????
We are the definition of awesome.

13 days til Christmas. Friday the 13th tomorrow. What a treat to be surrounded with a lucky number.

So do you think that if you think positively about your goals, say 80% of the time, the other 10-15% your brain is thinking about having tea with ape, and the last 5% of the time, your brain is cussing all the stupid things that people do, well, do you think that counts as positive thinking?

TR... I warned you that cats were going to rule the world... In that movie, they will use some crazy cat mind control powers, you know the sort that have you rushing out of the house, to buy cat food at 10pm at night because kitty won't have any breakfast in the morning if you don't....They will have the entire audience trained up to be their army of servants...

... sigh.. I've spent too much time away from my creative writing pursuits....I'm making up stories about everything...

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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