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Old 02-24-2014, 08:02 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Versus View Post
Bourbonboy, I don't think you've really explained your stance at length. What's your take on what AshleyO and I were talking about?
I'm actually with AshleyO on arming the entire population honestly. Israel and Switzerland do it, why not 'Merica? And the reasons for me to have this conclusion is simply what's going on right now.
For one, let's be honest that the genie's out of the bottle and there's no way assault rifles are going to be made illegal again nor is there going to be a halt to the production of their ammunition anytime soon, there's too much money involved.
Secondly, by instituting a draft and public service that would make state/or federal service mandatory it would actually give people an incentive to take a few years to figure shit out. I have several younger cousins who have no idea what to do with themselves, one finally joined the army as I was getting out and it's given him direction for once in his life.
Third, this can help call out a lot of these gun nuts on their stance for firearms. They're either for everyone to have access to firearms, or they're just playing out power fantasies whenever they go out shooting and use their weapons as a status symbol. I mean, seriously, what purpose does a pink AR-15 have except to seek attention at a firing range? It's totally impractical for hunting or night firefights since you'll just stick out like a sore thumb.

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