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Old 05-25-2014, 12:29 PM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Her comics are generally a solid mid-tier book, which is pretty good considering they don't really push her book much. Actually you might be amused to know that not only is Harley Quinn the top selling female solo book, but the only DC solo book outselling her right now is Batman. (source:

DC (and WB) don't know what to do with Wonder Woman and I think a big problem is that its run by a bunch of middle aged cis men who can't write women for shit. Azzarello's run has been good at times, but there was only one moment when she defeated Hades where I actually thought "this is quintessential Wonder Woman." Right now they think she needs to be straight and dating Superman and be absolutely bloodthirsty to be relevant.

Did you hear about David Goyer, one of the writers for BVS and Justice League calling She-Hulk a "giant green pornstar" who was just created for someone for the Hulk to fuck? I have very little faith he can write a good Wonder Woman.

In happier news though, they recently announced an out of continuity Wonder Woman series that will be an anthology, and feature many women creators. Since her inception, she has only been written by five different women. The first arc is being done by Gail Simone:

I dropped all my DC titles but I'll totally be picking that one up.
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