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Old 06-11-2014, 09:06 AM   #5561
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 176
Originally Posted by BourbonBoy View Post
My only question about that situation Class-Punk is this, aside from Detroit PD and the web, has that coordinator alerted say, the FBI about these terroristic threats? Because that's what those are if they're being threatened with violence, vandalism and arson at once.
I don't know. I think the conference is still going on. I wanted to go because its not much of a drive, but I'd have to shell out around half a grand, so I'm just going to wait for what I hope will be a lot of youtube footage. I've been working a lot, thinking too much and somewhat stressed, sorry its taken me awhile to reply.


For any study of hormones in relation to asexuality, the completely objective analysis of hypergamy is unattractive enough to almost make female beauty hollow, and the irony is that the PUA's spearhead the knowledge of the poison they're drinking but hang onto the fanciness of the cup.
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