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Old 05-19-2015, 09:45 PM   #24
satanicangel66689's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Asgard!!
Posts: 62
"You lying, pathetic scum! How can you say that you miss him when you, you were the one that drove him to suicide. You made nasty comments about him, encouraged him to keep cutting himself. You never would have helped him."

"He was a fucking freak anyways! Its not my fault he was a disgusting little ******..."

"Shut up! Just fucking shut up! Don't you dare speak of him that way!" He pushed past Euronymous and went behind the desk, digging through the papers and documents.

"You wanted him to die. You rather him commit suicide and get famous from his death. But...He didn't commit suicide..." Varg said, trailing off.

"What are you talking about?" Euronymous asked, confused.

"Don't play dumb with me Euronymous. I know what you did to him. You forced him to write the note, you slit his wrists, his throat, and blew his brains out. You ***** him." He said this, his voice filled with a deep rage.

"What...How...No! That is not what happened! The fucking freak offed himself!"

Varg pulled out an envelope from the desk, that said private on it.

"Put that down. Don't you dare fucking open it!"

Varg didn't listen to him, he opened the envelope, and pulled out some photos that were inside.

The photos were very...graphic...disturbing. Varg felt sick to his stomach when he saw them. They were photos of Per Yngve Ohlin.

One was a photo of him with Oystein's rifle aimed at his head. Another, was a photo of his slashed wrists. Another, was a photo of him with Oystein slitting his throat. Another, was a photo of him, lying on the floor, with his slashed wrists and throat, before Oystein killed him. Another, was a photo of him, after he was *****, there were bruises on his body, he was crying, blood was between his legs, and he looked to be shaking, and the last one was of Oystein, ****** him, biting him on his neck, tears running down his face, and he was screaming. Varg could see the terror in his eyes. It made him sick, to see these photos.

He looked up to Euronymous, and threw the photos at him. "You sick fuck!! How could you!! How could you make him suffer like this!?"

His voice was full of anger and rage. He would make Euronymous pay. Pay for what he did to Pelle.

The sound of thunder was heard from outside. It was like a symbol of Varg's hatred for this pathetic scum that stood in front of him, scared of him. Varg could see the terror in Oystein's eyes. Just like that day when he killed him. Varg would make sure that he suffered the way he made Pelle suffer.

He leaped up on top of the desk, his knife out in front of him. He jumped down from it, ready to kill this man and send him to Hell himself.
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