Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 10-25-2015, 05:19 PM   #8715
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Ape... Love you too hun.. now we are farcebook friends you have seen me in all my glory!! And my swag of two new great nephews.

So on top of all the other crap that's been happening (relationship counselling).. now we have the added bonus of Mr Bat's kidney function being at 22 - this is Stage 2 kidney failure - dialysis stage. Found out on Friday arvo, so still waiting to hear from the Drs as to what will be done.

I get to start my testing to see if I'm compatible donor. The main trouble with this, is that I'm the main caregiver, so if I'm out with surgery, then there is no one to look after me, Mr bat and Babybat.

the grandparents have said no, because they have too many illnesses (which is a load of bollocks, because neither of them are prostrate in bed and could help if they chose to get out of their fucking minds).

So I know it will end up as it did after my emergency C-section... three days, I'm out of hospital, doped up on pain meds, lugging around loads of washing etc, driving the car etc... everything I shouldn't be doing but that I don't have a choice about because, although mr Bat says he will help... he doesn't and when he does, he expects a round of applause and much adulation.

although my blessed SIL has said that she would come over and pick up Babybat and take him back home with her, and enrol him in her kids school and just have three kids instead of two - and I've told her that that goes for her too, because last time she had surgery, her hubby was equally supportive as Mr Bat - which I didn't know about until afterwards, THEN I was mad as a cut pig with him.

Anyway I'll have to see if babybat can deal with such an upheavel... I don't want to mess him around too much, as he's truly a great kid...

APE I pity the people who play games against babybat... He trialled the new star wars one, and does play battlefield 4 (which I don't like him playing)... there is nothing as random as a six year old playing a game

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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