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Old 11-05-2015, 03:25 PM   #7
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Location: Purgatory
Posts: 297
Hi Tug & good luck with your research

I'll give this a whirl, forgive me if I go off in tangents lol ..

1. In what way does being in a Goth subculture reject cultural norms?

I'm unsure as to whether it actually does .. but .. I suppose my penchant for black is perhaps an eyebrow raiser to some? Clothing, self-expression is any individuals right I feel. I don't judge any other for their choices, it seems ok to throw 'hysterical' quips my way .. 'Halloween is over' etc ..

So perhaps we DO reject, albeit I feel unintentionally? I personally feel comfortable in black clothing for example; I don't dress in black Victorian style garb to stand out nor to offend society lol, but rather because I like it!

2. How do the rituals and practices of the subculture help to shape the identity of the subculture?

Wait .. what!? There's rituals? o.O

3. Stereotypes of the subculture, and how do you feel about them?

I don't like the term 'goth' .. if I'm honest, I find it degrading? It's often offered with a sneer of ridicule or the implication is such. Also, I so often find that society likes to point fingers and label .. people like to characterize and box things up, instead of just permitting things to exist. If it makes dickheads feel better to shout "Wednesday" at me in the street, I can only surmise that they are deficient; perhaps not hugged enough as children? I'm glad to have brought them a shrapnel of happiness. I feel that in general society considers Gothic behaviours to be an act of teenage rebellion? I'm 40, obviously I'm a rebel without a clue lol Lastly .. the devil worshiping insinuations. I'm vegan, and try to care for and respect the planet I dwell upon; so no animal sacrifices ~~

4. When and why did you join the subculture? Will you be in it for life?

I don't believe I'm actually IN a subculture? I'm me, I can only be me and I'll be me for life. I'm aware that those akin to myself perhaps socialize within circles. I don't. I live in a tiny speck of a village by the sea, there are few people around and pretty much that's how I like it I began expressing myself this way at 14.

5.Activities of the subculture?

Well to be blunt white water rafting is a curse in crinoline! I should imagine those of my nature would be like me? Reading, creative pursuits .. I enjoy photography and dressmaking. I don't know for certain, but imagine that other Gothic natured folk are like myself? Solo activities are foremost? I do volunteer with a cosplay group, raising funds for sick and terminally ill children .. but the whole 'people' interaction thing is preferably in small doses.

6. Stigma management of the subculture

Stigmatization is a human illness. Those who stigmatize are to be pitied.

Tug, I hope your project is successful. If you're studying social sciences it may be fortuitous to consider if those who express Gothic culture hail from backgrounds that have experienced certain hardships or abuse? I've found that many 'like me' have certain commonalities. The 'once bitten, twice shy' aspect.
There's only so many times that an individual can experience the negative aspects .. sinking into the comfort of blackness is preferable to attempting to trust again .. just a thought of course. It may or may not be causative?

Wish you well, anything else you need just holler (x)
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